Labor market: record: almost 2 million vacancies

There are more vacancies to be filled on the German labor market than ever before in the history of the Federal Republic.

Labor market: record: almost 2 million vacancies

There are more vacancies to be filled on the German labor market than ever before in the history of the Federal Republic. In the fourth quarter, there were 1.98 million vacancies nationwide, the Institute for Labor Market and Occupational Research (IAB) announced today based on its current job survey. That is 160,000 or 6.6 percent more than in the previous quarter and 17.5 percent more than in the final quarter of 2021.

"The need for personnel in Germany has reached a new all-time high with around two million vacancies. The vast majority of vacancies must be filled immediately and the competitive pressure from companies to find suitable personnel is often high," said IAB labor market researcher Alexander Kubis.

In the job survey, which is carried out four times a year, a survey of thousands of companies not only records the jobs that are reported to the employment agencies, but all open jobs.