So you can recognize a professional negotiator

the question No. 1: do we Need a Negotiation Team? you should Provide your potential negotiator the following question: "What do you mean, we need a Negot

So you can recognize a professional negotiator
  • question No. 1: do we Need a Negotiation Team?

you should Provide your potential negotiator the following question: "What do you mean, we need a Negotiation Team?"

layman will give you an evasive answer, or spontaneously answered in the negative and, mutatis mutandis, explain: "Let me, I'll do it alone". If you are looking for a professional, you should be able to stop thinking now, as the conversation elegantly, because unfortunately no suitable candidate sitting across from you just.

A professional will explain to you that he negotiated, in principle, in the Team. He will present examples of in what situations he has been negotiating for years (very important) typically. In particular, he will explain to you that the separation between Decision-Maker and negotiator, and on the other, the separation between the Good Guy (with a focus on building a relationship), and the Bad Guy is (with a focus on the Mission) is a key factor for success. The Person

Dr. Hermann Rock lawyer in Munich, and for over 20 years on the legal advice of M&A transactions, specialized. He has advised over 130 transactions legally and of which more than 80 self-negotiated. Since March of 2019, he is a guest lecturer in the Executive MBA program of the HSG (St. Gallen) in relation to negotiation. Rock is the author of the book "Successful negotiation with the Driver-Seat-concept" has Recently appeared to be "Field Guide for negotiators" (

Who belongs to the Elite the negotiator will explain to you in addition, in Detail, why the Team strategy is so important and, for example, the Team-up of the FBI and of most of the crisis staffs of this world to explain (see, for example, Misino, Negotiate, and Win, p. 14, Schranner, Costly mistakes, p. 166).

  • question No. 2: Are there "Golden rules" for behavior in the negotiation?

Ask your potential negotiator the following question: "How you behave during the negotiation? There are generally valid or universal "Golden rules of conduct" that apply to any negotiation?"

layman will give you an evasive answer, and, for example, explain: "Because there are no rules, that makes you a spontaneous feeling". Please consider also this answer on how to make the conversation elegant be able to finish. Your candidate is not suitable.

A professional will explain to you that he behaves always the same. He considered the other side as a Partner and can never provoke. He is concentrated can on the basis of examples of the present, as it is based on, first, a relationship , then both missions (of partner's and your own), and then, in particular, on the psychologically most important weapons of the influence focused, to get to the goal. In formulations such as "The Standard" (Social Proof), or "My boss sees it differently" (Authority) or "Why your proposal is fair to fall? (Fairness).

Who belongs to the Elite the negotiator will explain to you in addition, in Detail, his mastery of the (legendary) B ehavior C hange S tairway M odel (BCSM), the FBI perfectly analogous to applying (see Vecchi, van Hasselt, Romano, 2005, p. 541). He will be based in the model of crisis bargaining (e.g., McMains/Mullins, "Crisis Negotiations", 5. Ed. 2014; to be published in July 2020 in 6. Ed).

  • question No. 3: Is there a typical sequence of events for each trial?

Ask your potential negotiator the following question: "How can we imagine the process of a negotiation, there is a classical scheme or a typical process?"

layman will give you an evasive answer, or spontaneously declare, "This is predictable, which is always different. I just don't do that to me and then we will see“. Please consider this answer as the call soon, as elegantly as possible can end.

A professional will explain to you that he behaves always the same. He goes with the "Start-positions", which you specify as a Decison Maker (the last aspect of the TOP LADY formula, namely Y our Instruction) in the negotiation. He begins with the Opening (Small Talk, Agenda, You go first). Then comes the main part (in the Driver-Seat-concept as "Middle of Act Two" referred to). It ends with the professional adoption.

In the main part of the professional negotiators (initially) insisted on his starting positions, and behaves in a very respectful and friendly. He is defined by the discussions of the open points, respectively, out patiently the conflicts. After that, he agrees with the Decision-Maker, such as the open points/conflicts in the context of the famous "give and take bargaining" (weapon reciprocity) can be traded, so that in the result all are satisfied ("Play to win - create satisfaction").

Who belongs to the Elite the negotiator will explain to you in addition, in the Detail that he derived the process of every negotiation from the internationally recognized Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. After that, there are basically 5 different strategies to solve conflicts (also in negotiations): (i) Competing (you want to prevail and win), (ii) Avoiding (conflict now is not acceptable, the "play on time"), (iii) Accomodating (Yielding to a performance), (iv) Collaborating (co-operation to find solutions with which both are satisfied) and (v) Compromising (all are quickly found "rotten compromise" to be dissatisfied).

Professional Negotiator combine the Competing with the Collaborating as follows: First, the respective Start positions are discussed in terms of content, unyielding and personally very respectful, until all conflicts are analyzed (Competing). Then a Pause will be inserted. After that, all conflicts will be solved with a package-Deal (Collaborating). This is a very structured process-oriented: first of all, the analysis of all the conflicts is made; then you will Pause to discuss in a Team and thinking together; only then can the solution of all the conflicts in the package. Professionals start with the Competing and criticism, clarify first by destructive conflicts (see Gerhard Schwarz, conflict management, 9. Ed.). Only then can be searched with a constructive critique solutions. The sketched - out the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument-derived - typical procedural approach of the professionals I refer to in the Driver-Seat-concept, as well as the above-mentioned Field Guide as an ABC-strategy (A stands for A nalyze the Open Points, B stands for B reak 4 Change and C stands for C oncessions Package Procedure or Collaborating).

in summary, you can see the professional negotiators, so the following answers:

  • The Team : "Yes, I always work in a Team, and the disconnect between Decision-Maker and Negotiator. In addition, I distinguish between a Good Guy (relationship is more important than the Mission) and a Bad Guy (Mission is more important than the relationship).“
  • behavior : "I behave always the same: first, I focus on the structure of the relationship (Bonding), then the content of (Mission) and then I focus very consciously on the weapons of influence (Influence)."
  • The process : "I structure each of the negotiating process in accordance with the same pattern. First, I analyze all the conflicts with the Conflict resolution strategy of "confrontation". Then I can vote for myself with the Decision Maker, whether the strategy should be changed. After that, I apply a rule, the Conflict resolution strategy is "cooperation"."

If you have any questions on the above-mentioned 3 core, respectively, the "correct" answer, you have found a professional negotiator in your Team should take. This increases the likelihood to complete their negotiations successfully, a maximum of. At the same time, you avoid expensive experiments.

Date Of Update: 24 June 2020, 10:28