Financial expert: For success in the stock market you need to have a rethink on the subject of money

FOCUS Online : when is the right time to start in the stock market? Margaret Honisch: Actually, at any time – as soon as you have a small Reserve part. My b

Financial expert: For success in the stock market you need to have a rethink on the subject of money

FOCUS Online : when is the right time to start in the stock market?

Margaret Honisch: Actually, at any time – as soon as you have a small Reserve part. My big mistake was that I started with at the end of 20 to invest. Since I missed a lot of yield, because I didn't do it sooner. A mistake that many savers that they always hope on cheaper rates. This, however, leads mostly to watching only while the stock continues to rise. Therefore, regularly, it's best to invest, then you need to get the Timing right, no thoughts. With 25 euros per month, one can conclude, for example, an ETF savings plan.

"little thing can add up at the end of the month very nice,"

FOCUS Online : What savings rate do you recommend?

Honisch: As a rule of thumb, ten percent of net salary is. At best, you start with a small sum and touched then. In order to find potential savings, offers the classic a book of household accounts, or a corresponding App. So you get an Overview of where all the money is going. It is often the little thing that add up at the end of the month quite nicely. Just to say ,I can't deal with money‘ is often just an excuse in front of himself. Finally, you can learn the easy in which you dealt with the issue. It is not really so difficult. Learn more in the Video Tutorial

Margarethe Honisch has recorded for FOCUS Online and Finanzen100 a Tutorial: "life under palm trees instead of in poverty – my financial road to personal freedom". In it, she explains how to get started in the stock market. Click here for the Tutorial.

FOCUS Online in addition to the necessary money – which mental conditions should I create before I go to the stock market?

Honisch: It is of course important that I Know take possession of me first, about how the stock market works, and perhaps the first experience with a small sum to collect before I invest more. It is crucial, however, that I am the subject of money is positive. Money is occupied in the society is very negative. You don't think of things like ,money makes you happy‘. I do not say ,then, always worried about money, but also!‘ Straight women are for these beliefs-prone. But you have to see money as something Positive, as a tool, with which I fulfil my desires, or my family can do something Good. Otherwise, I have no Motivation to deal with me.

"There isn't the perfect product,"

FOCUS Online How do I find the system that suits me?

Honisch: You have to think of investment like a triangle with the corners of the safety, yield and availability. Shares, for example, promise a high return on investment and availability, because you can sell it quickly. The security, however, is less pronounced. This, in turn, is on the day money account, as well as the availability. The yield, however, is weak. Each pier form has its advantages and disadvantages. It is the perfect product. But I can combine the money and equipment together, so that for me it is exactly suitable. It depends on my investment horizon, my goals and my risk appetite and is therefore very individual.

"to save money may cost you money"

FOCUS Online Many investors are likely to be security most importantly.

Honisch: That seems to be in fact, if you look at the sums, which lie idle in the savings accounts unused. But it is only a false sense of security. Since the interest rates are very far below the inflation rate, melts of the value of money over the years then. Saving money can cost money. Better, you invest part of the money in the stock market. Anyone who invests it is broadly diversified, with about ETFs and also a little bit of time to bring to be able to declines sit out, is a well-calculated risk, and to look forward to at the end of a beautiful hedge. Financial expert explains How you are already declared, with little money in the stock market successfully FOCUS Online the financial expert: How you are with little money in the stock market successfully if you like Chili con Carne, will love you for: The canadian lumberjack soup PCP With minced meat and beans: if you like Chili con Carne, will love you for: The canadian lumberjack soup

Date Of Update: 04 August 2020, 07:27