Weather: Sun and rain in Berlin and Brandenburg at the weekend

Changeable weather with a sunny end determines the weekend in Berlin and Brandenburg.

Weather: Sun and rain in Berlin and Brandenburg at the weekend

Changeable weather with a sunny end determines the weekend in Berlin and Brandenburg. As reported by the German Weather Service (DWD) in Potsdam, there will be a lot of sunshine on Friday with 18 to 20 degrees. In the evening clouds will appear in the Prignitz sky, but it will still be dry.

According to the forecast, Saturday will be heavily clouded. At 16 to 18 degrees, it rains a little in some areas and further showers are not excluded in the afternoon. But on Sunday the clouds will increasingly disappear and the evening will even be cloudless. It stays dry and the temperature rises to 15 to 17 degrees. There is only a light wind blowing.

weather report