Trial: "Almost perfect murder" of father - life imprisonment required

In the trial of the poison-murder of a 75-year-old patient in need of care, the public prosecutor's office is demanding life imprisonment for the man's daughter.

Trial: "Almost perfect murder" of father - life imprisonment required

In the trial of the poison-murder of a 75-year-old patient in need of care, the public prosecutor's office is demanding life imprisonment for the man's daughter.

The public prosecutor accused the now 55-year-old in his plea at the district court in Traunstein, murder with base motives and malice and also assumed that the guilt was particularly serious. The man was the victim of an "almost perfect murder". According to the court, the verdict is due on Wednesday.

According to prosecutors, the woman mixed poison in her father's favorite food, sour Lüngerl. The charges came because other relatives suspected that the man might have died an unnatural death. They filed a complaint. The body was then exhumed.

Seven years imprisonment demanded for daughter

For the accused 30-year-old daughter of the woman, i.e. the granddaughter of the alleged victim, the public prosecutor demanded seven years in prison for attempted manslaughter by omission. In his plea, the prosecutor did not assume that the two women planned the crime together and gave the granddaughter a partial confession.

The defense demanded acquittal for the mother accused of murder because her crime could not be proven. For the daughter, her lawyers demanded a suspended sentence of six months for failure to provide assistance.