They investigate the fatal outrage of a woman on a Membrilla road

The Civil Guard investigates the driver of a van in Membrilla for an alleged crime of reckless homicide in a traffic accident in which a woman died.

They investigate the fatal outrage of a woman on a Membrilla road

The Civil Guard investigates the driver of a van in Membrilla for an alleged crime of reckless homicide in a traffic accident in which a woman died.

The events occurred last Wednesday, June 22, around 7:20 am, on the local road known as 'La Peñona'. The van that the man under investigation was driving, for reasons that are still unknown, ran over a woman who was traveling along the aforementioned road.

The wound was transferred to the Ciudad Real General Hospital, where he died. The proceedings will be sent to the Manzanares Court of Instruction on Duty.