The recipe: Squid a La Plancha

For 6 people; Preparation: 10 minutes; Cook: 5 minutes; 1.

The recipe: Squid a La Plancha

For 6 people; Preparation: 10 minutes; Cook: 5 minutes; 1.2kg baby squid

Parsley; Chive; xipister; sunflower oil; parsley; flower of Salt

- Clean the chipsirons (or ask your fishmonger). They can be left whole and dried well.

- Wash and chop the aromatic herbs.

To caramelize the chipirons, heat the plancha over high heat. The squid should be cooked quickly to avoid making it rubbery. Add the chives to the pan and heat through.

- Place the flowers on each plate immediately and finish with crushed parsley and fleur de sel