The Hunting Federation of Castilla y León offers help to the clubs affected by the fire in Zamora

The General Assembly of the Castilla y León Hunting Federation has agreed to provide personal and financial assistance to support the recovery of the fauna of the Sierra de la Culebra, after the fire that has devastated around 30.

The Hunting Federation of Castilla y León offers help to the clubs affected by the fire in Zamora

The General Assembly of the Castilla y León Hunting Federation has agreed to provide personal and financial assistance to support the recovery of the fauna of the Sierra de la Culebra, after the fire that has devastated around 30.00 hectares since last June 15 . With this support they seek to "alleviate, as far as possible, the consequences of this disaster for the fauna of the area" and will offer financial aid to the federated clubs of the Sierra de la Culebra to acquire food for the fauna and promote support for its supply among hunting partners. They will also make human capital available to proceed with the count by species and removal of dead specimens and identify those that are still alive.

“The fire has turned to ashes in western Zamora an ecosystem that will take a generation to recover. If it is unfortunate to observe how such a unique landscape has been devastated, it is even more so to see many animals burnt to death or in extreme situations due to the lack of any of the elements they need for their subsistence, especially food. The recovery of this habitat will require many years and the effort of the hunters in that area will have to be continued over time, "they explain in a statement collected by Ical.

The coordination and start-up of this support initiative will be carried out through the Federation Delegation in Zamora, which is already in contact with local associations and which this Wednesday will specify, in accordance with the Environmental Administration, how to start everything the operative.