New Year's resolution: finally non-smokers: With these tips you can fight the nicotine addiction

According to the Epidemiological Addiction Survey (ESA), there are around twelve million smokers in Germany alone - in relation to the total population, 26 percent of men and 20 percent of women smoke (as of 2018).

New Year's resolution: finally non-smokers: With these tips you can fight the nicotine addiction

According to the Epidemiological Addiction Survey (ESA), there are around twelve million smokers in Germany alone - in relation to the total population, 26 percent of men and 20 percent of women smoke (as of 2018). If these statistics are to be believed, fewer and fewer people will smoke cigarettes in the next few years. But how many smokers actually manage to completely shut down their nicotine consumption on the first try? In fact, only three to five percent succeed, everyone else needs an average of six to eight attempts until they are no longer stuck on the fags. If you're also thinking about quitting smoking, the following tips may help you.

Which smoker does not wish to be able to give up their nicotine addiction within a few weeks without much effort? The book "Finally non-smokers! The easy way to quit smoking" promises anyone who is willing that they can use the "Easyway" method to overcome their physical and psychological addiction in just a short time. If you can believe the customer reviews, the guiding principle does not seem to be a loose promise. You can get the book here.

If you really want to quit smoking, you should ban everything from your four walls that reminds you of cigarettes: from ashtrays and lighters to tobacco and rolling papers. And since you will almost certainly still think about smoking, it is important to distract yourself, especially in the beginning. Find new tasks, do new things or meet friends.

The first few days are particularly tough for long-time smokers, as they not only have to fight their addiction, but also fight withdrawal symptoms. On the one hand, sport can help you to get rid of your excess energy and distraction, on the other hand you can reward yourself for your perseverance - and save money every day that you invest in a nice dinner or a visit to the cinema, for example.

Most smokers have set rituals to which they always light a cigarette. Be it after the morning cup of coffee, after every meal or after every sip of alcohol. For this reason, you should avoid everything that you associate with nicotine, especially in the early days. Switch to tea in the morning, chew gum after each meal and refrain from alcoholic beverages.

Once you've made the decision to quit smoking, you need to stay strong. If you only want to reduce your cigarette consumption slowly, that's okay, but if you haven't smoked for a day at the latest, you should give up any further cigarettes. Once you start setting yourself a daily limit of two or three cigarettes a day, it will quickly add up and you'll end up back at square one.

As soon as you have managed to do without your fags for a few days, the first advantages become noticeable. This is sometimes because your airway function improves after just three days without smoking. After a week you will get a lower blood pressure and after nine months you will be coughing a lot less as the phlegm is clearing from your lungs. So stay tuned!

Use your family circle to get everyone's support in the quest to quit. The more people you let in on your plan, the more mental support you'll get. Apart from that, you will surely encourage friends and family members to successfully fight your addiction and will also help you to stop relapsing.

Always remember what quitting smoking means for you and your health. Non-smokers not only live longer, they also reduce the risk of becoming seriously ill. Your skin will thank you just as much as your lungs, but your family and partner will, too. Apart from that, your sense of smell and taste will improve significantly, allowing you to enjoy delicious foods even more.

There are people who can quit smoking from one day to the next - but this is the exception rather than the rule. If you do not dare to radically withdraw, you can also try to gradually reduce your nicotine consumption. These chewing gums or these plasters from Nicorette should help. The manufacturer himself points out that his products are more for irregular smokers.

Many smokers worry that if they stop smoking they will gain weight. In fact, going cold turkey or not using nicotine initially increases your appetite. However, you can counteract this by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. This reduces the risk that you will automatically gain a few pounds when you stop smoking.

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