Òmnium activates the judicial process to stop the application of 25 percent of Spanish in the classroom

Offensive by Òmniun Cultural against the application of 25 percent of Spanish in schools in Catalonia.

Òmnium activates the judicial process to stop the application of 25 percent of Spanish in the classroom

Offensive by Òmniun Cultural against the application of 25 percent of Spanish in schools in Catalonia. The president of the entity, Xavier Antich, announced this Friday that they will ask to appear as an interested party before the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TJSC) to position themselves against the execution of the ruling.

Antich has indicated that they are taking this initiative in defense of all students and families in Catalonia, "without exclusions and regardless of their family language." Thus, he has defended that the objective is "to stop the procedure and challenge the doctrine that imposes percentages of languages ​​in the school" which, in addition, he has described as nonsense because it ends with the Catalan school model, in his words.

In this sense, he has advanced that they are preparing a "well-argued" legal challenge and that at the beginning of next week they will make the presentation with all the legal arguments and details.

For Antich, it is necessary to exhaust all the ways available to defend the right to school in Catalan for all students: «Language is and must continue to be a backbone of this society, which aims to guarantee social cohesion and coexistence.

"The only thing that the strategy of imposing percentages in the school seeks is to fracture Catalan society, attacking and using the language and the school, and we will not allow that," he added.