MIR doctors from Castilla-La Mancha will have 4-year contracts, as announced by Page

The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has advanced that he will offer those MIR doctors who do their residency in hospitals in the autonomous community four-year employment contracts, thus doubling the current proposal of two years of work.

MIR doctors from Castilla-La Mancha will have 4-year contracts, as announced by Page

The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has advanced that he will offer those MIR doctors who do their residency in hospitals in the autonomous community four-year employment contracts, thus doubling the current proposal of two years of work.

This has been advanced in an informative breakfast organized by Encastillalamancha.es in the city of Toledo, where he has warned of the problem that in the short term the "deficit of toilets" may entail. Given this situation, he has suggested setting up a Conference of Presidents to address and resolve this problem.

In this way, although there are "unforeseen" problems that are difficult to resolve, such as the rise in prices or the war in Ukraine, he has ensured that a meeting of presidents for practical issues could address more specific problems.

“It would be reckless not to see the volume of difficulty that we are going to have coming,” warned the regional president.

As he has said, it is important to "avoid unnecessary noise" and start thinking about "things to eat", and also in the health plan, he has advanced that there will be free Wi-Fi in all health centers in the autonomous community.

This is "very important", as he said, to improve the "state of mind" of patients who have to spend hospital stays.