Migration: Good conditions for refugee Ukrainians on the labor market

Refugees from the Ukraine are currently finding good conditions on the Hessian labor market.

Migration: Good conditions for refugee Ukrainians on the labor market

Refugees from the Ukraine are currently finding good conditions on the Hessian labor market. The number of people from Ukraine who are subject to social security contributions has increased by 62 percent to 7148 in Hesse over the past year, as reported by the regional directorate of the employment agency. There are also around 35,000 people who are basically looking for work, but are currently mostly in language courses and other qualifications. Director Frank Martin expects good results from the well-educated and highly motivated refugees, many of whom could take up employment in the spring. "This is an opportunity for you and also for the German job market."

In Hesse, around 80,000 people who fled from the Ukraine found refuge in Hesse last year.

According to a study by the Federal Institute for Population Research, as of October last year, 17 percent of refugees from Ukraine between the ages of 15 and 64 had a job in Germany. According to the information, the refugees have a very high level of education on average - both in comparison to other refugees and in comparison to the overall population in Germany. Almost three quarters of them are then considered to be highly qualified and have a university or technical college degree.