Labor market: More applicants for police training again

In Saxony-Anhalt, more women and men have recently become interested in a job with the police.

Labor market: More applicants for police training again

In Saxony-Anhalt, more women and men have recently become interested in a job with the police. Last year there were 2511 applicants for study and training places at the Police University of Applied Sciences in Aschersleben, as the Ministry of the Interior in Magdeburg announced on request. The year before there had been 2366 applicants. The highest value in the past five years was reached in 2018 with almost 3,700 applicants, and the numbers fell steadily until 2021.

In 2018 and 2019, a comparatively large number of candidates, 525 and 550, respectively, were hired. In 2020 there were 452 and in the following year 360. Last year the number of appointments rose again significantly to 462. The Ministry of the Interior confirmed the goal of further expanding the police force. "The goal is to have at least 7,000 police officers by the end of the legislative period."

As with other fields of study and training, there are also dropouts among the prospective police officers. In the past five years, the total was 342, the Interior Ministry said. "The main reason for the premature withdrawal of candidates from the preparatory service, in addition to failing exams, is dismissal at their own request." The latter is an individual decision that the persons concerned do not have to justify.

So far, no qualitative compromises have been made in the aptitude selection process at the Saxony-Anhalt Police University of Applied Sciences. In particular, the minimum requirements for passing the procedure are not lowered.