Hunting accident in the USA: dog in back seat shoots man in passenger seat

A sensational death has occurred in the United States, which is now classified as a hunting accident, according to media reports: a man died there when a dog stepped on a gun, the local sheriff's office announced on Monday.

Hunting accident in the USA: dog in back seat shoots man in passenger seat

A sensational death has occurred in the United States, which is now classified as a hunting accident, according to media reports: a man died there when a dog stepped on a gun, the local sheriff's office announced on Monday.

According to official information, the shot was fired in a pickup truck in southern Kansas on Saturday morning. The dog was sitting in the back of the vehicle when it stepped on the gun. A shot was fired at a man who was sitting in the passenger seat of the pickup. The victim was hit in the back, the reports said.

Rescue workers rushed to the scene, but could not do anything for the man, who was reportedly in his early 30s, according to media reports. The age information varies between 30 and 32 years. He was pronounced dead on the spot. A second person in the car was unharmed. She was sitting in the driver's seat. In addition to the rifle, there were other hunting paraphernalia on the back seat of the vehicle.

Investigators did not release any further details about the driver or passenger. According to the reports, it is also unclear who called 911 after the fatal shot. It was also not stated whether the dog belonged to the dead man or the person in the driver's seat.

The incident happened in Sumner County, a county near the Oklahoma border. The investigations into the case have been discontinued, reports "BNO-News". Due to the circumstances, the investigators assumed a hunting accident, the shot occurred during a hunting trip.

Sources: "BNO News", "NBC News"

As you can see in the photo gallery: In Texas, ranchers raise exotic animals, for example from Africa, only to have hunters shoot them for several thousand dollars. Photographer Mélanie Wenger was there.