Cohesion: Corona crisis strengthens helpfulness

According to a survey, the Corona crisis has made people in Germany more socially sensitive.

Cohesion: Corona crisis strengthens helpfulness

According to a survey, the Corona crisis has made people in Germany more socially sensitive. 74 percent of those questioned supported this statement in a representative survey by the Hamburg Opaschowski Institute for Future Research. 60 percent stated that the pandemic had permanently changed their attitude to life.

83 percent said they were more available to help friends and neighbors. "There is less and less room for selfishness in our society. We have to stick together more," said 86 percent of those surveyed. The survey was conducted in mid-March this year.

In times of constant crisis, people drew closer together, explained the futurologist Horst Opaschowski. 75 percent are willing to help themselves more and not simply leave all problems to the state. The citizens made the experience of being dependent on one another. Most of them supported helper exchanges in the neighborhood and volunteer work.

Solidarity is becoming more important in intergenerational relations. For the first time in history, three, and in the future even four, generations would have the opportunity to take part in each other's lives. "Young helps old - the old save for the young. Solidarity between the generations becomes a pact between the generations," explained Opaschowski.