Analysis: "There is a lot of anger, hate and violence behind it" - 5 things you should know about Dick Pics

For the current issue, the star accompanied "Lady Dick Pic" in Berlin (stern ).

Analysis: "There is a lot of anger, hate and violence behind it" - 5 things you should know about Dick Pics

For the current issue, the star accompanied "Lady Dick Pic" in Berlin (stern ). A woman who has received almost 900 unsolicited dick pics in her life - and is now fighting back: she trades in her penis pictures, printed as buttons, stickers or puzzles.

Study: Almost every second man has already sent a dick pic without being asked

To explore the motivations behind the Dick Pics, researchers from Canada and the United States surveyed over 1,000 men. 48 percent of those surveyed, i.e. almost every second person, stated that they had already sent a dick pic at least once without being asked. Why? 82 percent want to turn the woman on with their photo, 44 ​​percent want the woman to take revenge with a nude picture.

Someone who claims to have sent Dick Pics is Robert (43). Now he is purified. He says to the star: "Actually, there was always a feeling that it could be perceived as encroaching, but I went over it anyway because I was hoping for closeness." You can read the whole interview here (stern ).

About one in five men want to shock women with dick pics

But often there is also a lot of anger, hatred and violence behind it. 17% of respondents wanted to shock women with a dick pic, 15% wanted to scare women and 11% wanted to induce disgust. These aren't unsuspecting flirtation attempts. This is also shown by the numerous hateful messages that our author has received since the publication of her articles on this topic.