Councils are on a collision course in group initiative

The national Council wich is the indirect counter-proposal of its Position, which is contrary to the group responsibility initiative, on Wednesday not. As bef

Councils are on a collision course in group initiative

The national Council wich is the indirect counter-proposal of its Position, which is contrary to the group responsibility initiative, on Wednesday not. As before, three variants were in the room: The first one is rules, the concept of the national Council for a indirect counter-proposal for new liability for companies that violate the foreign human rights or harm the environment. It was again compared to the concept of the Council of States.

For this was the first minority, and the Federal Council also supports it. It's an indirect counter-proposal without any new liability, but with reporting obligations for the company. A second minority eventually – mainly representatives of the SVP don't want a counter-proposal.

The national Council remained tight decision, with 97 against 92 votes to his concept. The template is now a last Time to the Council of States. This also remains in its Version for the indirect counter-proposal, it must make a settlement conference work.

The application of the second, from the SVP-mentioned minority to abandon the counter-proposal, the Council refused, with 100 against 70 votes, and 26 abstentions. These abstentions came mainly from the middle group and of the FDP parliamentary group.

government rejects Initiative

The corporate responsibility initiative of the National Council and Council of States to reject recommend. The national Council does this with the 105 to 83 votes in favour and 9 abstentions. The Council of States the no recommends a 25 to 14 vote. Also, the Federal Council rejects the Initiative.

The initiative's backers have signaled that they are pulling her desire back, when the concept of the national Council, in the Council. (fal/sda)

Created: 11.03.2020, 10:52 PM

Date Of Update: 11 March 2020, 10:02