Car dealers are taken in by scams: Paid too little in tax

A number of car dealers can look forward to a efteropkrævning, after they have been taken in to dabble with the registration fee. It has been discovered that

Car dealers are taken in by scams: Paid too little in tax

A number of car dealers can look forward to a efteropkrævning, after they have been taken in to dabble with the registration fee.

It has been discovered that multiple car dealers have paid too little in tax to the state.

Dealers reported an incorrect and too high charge to customers. A fee that was higher than what they in fact paid.

the Difference retained by the dealers for themselves. But the dealers can now look forward to paying the difference back, write Motorstyrelsen in a press release.

'We may find that a number of car dealers have paid too little in tax. Therefore, these resellers will be met with a liability for payment. At the same time, we are to look at the scale of the case. It turns out that there is systematic cheating, of course, we will crack down hard across it,' saith the Motorstyrelsens director Jens Otto Størup.

however, It is not Motorstyrelsen, as can pat themselves on the back for having discovered the trend among dealers.

instead, It is a series of bilkøberes profit.

More car buyers discovered that the amount of the registration fee was different when they looked at their invoice, and on what was on the penalty amount in Motorregisteret.

Therefore approached by several citizens to Motorstyrelsen.

'the Amount in the vehicle registration files and on the invoice must, of course, be consistent. Do the amounts not the, should you as a car owner contact Motorstyrelsen. Then we will look at whether we can rightly claim against the car dealers on behalf of the state,' says Jens Otto Størup.

As a car owner, you can also make contact to the dealers, if you stumble over a discrepancy between the afgiftsbeløbene, writes Motorstyrelsen. In addition, assures Motorstyrelsen that, going forward, will intensify their checks, so the tax match.

Date Of Update: 20 December 2019, 02:00